Srawung Batik Jilid Dua

everybody knews batik well. it's truly Indonesia :)

come come to Solo, i will show you this magnificent Indonesian legacy.. no worries about the price, you will bw satisfied. We are the maker,so all stuffs are fresh from the oven, daily. Come to this dynamic town you will find people that always smile and do good job. since all jobs are useful for each other.. ( as bakul pecel,bakul ing pasar, tukang sapu, bakul iwak hias ning Pasar Gede, tukang citak batik ning Laweyan, lan liya liyane...)

Talking bout batik that once again it's truly Indonesia :P hehehe, in July 27th at Solo City Walk across jalan Slamet Riyadi held "srawung Batik "(meet Batik) it was the second Srawung Batik. Flocks from all around the globe came and enjoy the warm atmosphere , enjoy the grandeur of batik and buy wiyh confident .

you dude want more? Solo have old buildings, Keraton,and of course so much delicious specific foods..Solo is little bit different from Jogja , sincethere are many things unpredictable, although these two cities are stand from one root, Mataram culture. all kinds of kudapan are mak nyuss.. i will post more next time, arsitekturiners..

images via skyscrapercity

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